Thursday, July 19, 2007

i wonder

so ive been thinking alot about stuff....

over the last couple of weeks ive really been thinking that our christian leaders...
why you might ask.. well my youth pastor is being moved to a new position in my church.
from youth pastor to some creative arts gig.. the leaders in our church have said its the best thing for him... and i would love for him to mature in his leadership ability.. but is it the best thing for his students..

ive been thinking alot that the christian leaders in my church dont care as much for the growing of teens as much as they do the growing of young kids from like 2 to like 12.. what they dont seem to get it.. we (the teens) are going to be leading this faith way before the younger kids...

i still have to gather my thoughts and stuff.. but here is where im at.. our local christian radio station.. wcic.. plays music that young kids... and older adults... from 30 up... but why dont they try to make teens and early 20 years old involved in thier ministry...

i only see people caring about the young kids and the adults... why dont they try to reach teens more...

i dont know so tell me what you think...


Anonymous said...

Well, I'd say pray about it. And if Eric has been praying about it and feels that's where God wants him, then God has to have a plan for Reality in the mean time.
I know it seems like teenagers get overlooked a lot of the time, my youth pastor was actually saying this past week that he gets a lot of people who come up to him and say "oh, it's so great that you're teaching those teenagers, because they're the church of tomorrow." My youth pastor always gets mad about that though, because it seems like they're saying that because of our age, we can't do anything for the Kingdom now.
As for WCIC..I had the same problem with them when I lived there. They have a great ministry, just not aimed toward the teens. But hey, CDs are great.

\m/ (<-- rawk fist)

kao5600 said...

so true. although i think it sucks the Eric is leaving, i guess it opens up room for new opportunities. i kinda want to see where God is going with this.

but i agree in that the church isn't working on or with the teen age group. i think we should bring it to the attention of the church.

also, they ruined quest... it's depressing... i know i wouldn't want to go to it now. Donald might have had his issues, but he was still the best... i know non-christians who think highly of Donald and loved quest. it at least put the church on the map. i was talking to a friend who i wouldn't have never guessed to know where northwoods was and he knew exactly where it was because of quest... sad days man... the church is changing, and i think it's for the worse...

Anonymous said...

i think teens are looked down upon by the leaders, generally because of our reputation. the majority of teens are stupid, lazy, and just don't care. at least that's what the world has seen of us. and i think the church "higher ups" have become discouraged. if they've given up, i think it's because they've not seen progress on the level they want. it's because they see the majority of teens and then look at us with that mentality. it's up to us to prove them wrong. 4-12 dude!!!

Unknown said...

Very true, I think a bunch of us need to get together and address the church on it, alot of effort is being provided to the younger kids, but when they get to us, its like were kicked to the curb because of our age.

Alex Tiethoff said...

you're right on JJ. also, I was just at another church last week (rob cook's new place). they're focus on youth was amazing. now, I don't know how their community was or how they were with Christ, but at least they were putting money where there mouth is! also JJ, you're right there is way more focus on 2-12 age. it's crazy.

about quest though. evan, I would say they DIDN'T ruin quest. donald and brian are totally different people. donald was all about numbers. his messages were like 10 minutes. yes, many people came to Christ, and that's amazing and the best thing that could happen, but what about afterwards??? what did donald do in the areas of spiritual growth. brian is more in that mindset. also, I feel it's important for quest's ministry to be in community with the rest of us! donald was always in an almost rebellious state with the rest of the congregation. that's not good. we need unity at northwoods. yes, quest lost a lot of kids when donald left, but just wait. give brian more time. I think if we focus on Jesus, more people will come than if we just rely on the shallow pleasures of this world. we need Jesus, but we also need to be intentional about doing things to atract kids. i'm not saying we just read our bibles and sing 5 hyms then have a 40 minute lesson then an altar call, but we need to keep the focus on the kingdom to come. alright, sorry for the incoherent thoughts.


Alex Tiethoff said...

sorry about that. brian said they ruined quest, not evan. oops