Thursday, July 19, 2007

i wonder

so ive been thinking alot about stuff....

over the last couple of weeks ive really been thinking that our christian leaders...
why you might ask.. well my youth pastor is being moved to a new position in my church.
from youth pastor to some creative arts gig.. the leaders in our church have said its the best thing for him... and i would love for him to mature in his leadership ability.. but is it the best thing for his students..

ive been thinking alot that the christian leaders in my church dont care as much for the growing of teens as much as they do the growing of young kids from like 2 to like 12.. what they dont seem to get it.. we (the teens) are going to be leading this faith way before the younger kids...

i still have to gather my thoughts and stuff.. but here is where im at.. our local christian radio station.. wcic.. plays music that young kids... and older adults... from 30 up... but why dont they try to make teens and early 20 years old involved in thier ministry...

i only see people caring about the young kids and the adults... why dont they try to reach teens more...

i dont know so tell me what you think...